In the most recent developments related to the infamous Haditha incidient, Lt. Col. Jeffrey Chessani has had all charges dropped. Michelle Malkin has posted an excellent article on this subject at National Review Online. My question is, when will Senator Murtha be charged with slander, libel, defamation of character... whatever will stick?
There is no need for me to rewrite her article, however, the idea that a U.S. Senator would accuse troops of "murdering civilians in cold blood" without a shred of proof, speaks volumes of the character of said senator. With every case dropped, with every verdict of "not guilty," his subsequent silence rings louder and louder. Senator Murtha apparently believes that if you don't have anything slanderous to say, you shouldn't say anything at all. He certainly doesn't see the need to apologize to the very people that are securing his freedom to hold high office in the most powerful nation on earth. It is getting old seeing congressman after congressman find ways to cast a negative light on our troops. Whether it's Dick Durbin comparing them to Nazi's and worse, or John Murtha outright calling them cold blooded murderers, I, for one, have had quite enough.
I do not serve in the military. I have never served in the military. I do not even own a gun (of course, this is due to finances rather than principle...). I am, however, keenly aware that the freedoms I currently enjoy are secured, in large part, by men in uniforms with guns, tanks, ships, and planes. These people have volunteered for this job. They were not drafted, they were not kidnapped and impressed into service. They knew that joining the military would probably mean fighting door to door with terrorists, and they signed on the dotted line. I'm sure some of them are dishonest scumbags (what profession doesn't have its share?), but for the most part our troops are honorable soldiers fighting a difficult and brutal war. It is because of their willingness to do so that others are free to live in peace and security. It would be nice to see senators Murtha and Durbin remember that. Congratulations to Lt. Col. Jeffrey Chessani.
~ Gabriel
The Upside Of A Terminal Illness
21 hours ago
Jake B. from Oly fame here. It would be nice to see Senators Murtha and Durbin do ANYTHING remotely patriotic or un-socialist.
Jake, thanks for stopping by! I have to completely agree with you about Durbin and Murtha. It does look like Murtha will have some real competition for his seat next time he's up for re-election. I should be posting about in the next day or so.
It is rather disheartening to see our "leaders" unable to disagree about national security policy without being ugly, repulsive and unpatriotic about it.
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