Apologies for the long time between posts. My delightful wife and I celebrated our 9th anniversary this week. I took a couple days off work and we spent at least one very enjoyable evening eating here and staying here. I highly recommend them both. We also managed to fit in the new "Indiana Jones" movie and a bit of fishing. All in all a weekend tailored exactly for us, adventure movies, fishing, a quiet bed and breakfast, and fantastic food.
I plan on posting (late) about Father's day and any events I missed over our long weekend. Until then, I thank God for our marriage. I realize 9 years is not that long in the grand scheme of things, but we have packed a lot of living in our time together so far. Together we have seen hard times and good, fun times and dark. Through it all we have been constant companions, friends, and lovers; partners in ministry, and more recently, parents. I thank God for it all and look forward to many more years of life shared together.
Happy Anniversary Sweetheart.
~ Gabriel
The Upside Of A Terminal Illness
21 hours ago
After 13 years together (9 married) you would think you would know better than to be sappy when I'm PMSing. *sniffle, sniffle* :) thanks baby, i love you too. you are a good man, and i know it's hard for you to let the world into that sentimental part of you. i love ya for it. let's all lift a nice amber colored ale to many more blissful years. Happy Anniversary Angel.
Congratulations on the first nine years. Best of luck on the next ninety.
Henry, thanks for stopping by Country Roads, and thanks for the congrats. If the Good Lord gives us 90 more years together, we'll certainly praise him for it :)
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